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Athens to Ancient Olympia and Epikourios Apollon
Greece Private Tours, excursions, and tour packages to Ancient Olympia and Epikourios Apollon Temple

Ancient Olympia

Olympia and Epikourios Apollon

Located in the western part of the Peloponnese, Ancient Olympia is a site of immense historical and cultural significance. IPrivate Tours Greece highly recommends it for tourists and history enthusiasts alike. Visiting this Archaeological site is a must-do experience, especially for those interested in the roots of Classical Greece and the birthplace of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games, one of the most renowned sporting events in the world, were initially founded in Ancient Olympia. The festivities held every four years for centuries, brought together the best athletes from across the ancient Greek world to compete in various athletic competitions and honor the gods. Today, the site is a significant historical landmark that attracts visitors from all around the world. Walking through the ruins of Ancient Olympia, visitors can explore the well-preserved temples, shrines, and other structures that played a central role in the ancient Olympic Games. From the Temple of Zeus, which housed the famous statue of the god made by the great sculptor Phidias, to the Gymnasium, where athletes trained and competed, the site is filled with fascinating insights into ancient Greek culture and history. Overall, a visit to Ancient Olympia is a journey through time and a chance to experience the rich history and culture of Classical Greece. The Temple of Epikourios Apollon is an awe-inspiring ancient monument located in the rocky terrain of Bassae, standing at an impressive elevation of 1131 meters above sea level. It boasts a fascinating history dating back to 420-400 BC. It serves as a remarkable testament to the exceptional architectural prowess of the ancient Greeks, showcasing their advanced skills and expertise. Private Tours Greece offers packages that include these incredible destinations.

Ancient Olympia

If you're a history enthusiast, you cannot miss out on visiting Olympia, one of the most important sanctuaries of ancient Greece! Located in western Peloponnese, approximately 360 km from Athens, this site is dedicated to the father of Gods and humans, Zeus. The Olympic Games are celebrated every four years in honor of Zeus. They originated centuries ago and became one of the greatest national festivals in ancient Greece. In 776 BC, Iphitos, the king of Elis, Kleosthenes of Pisa, and Lykourgos, the famous lawmaker of Sparta, reorganized the Olympic Games and instituted the sacred ekecheiria or truce. Since then, the festival has received a national character, and the sanctuary has developed significantly. The first monumental buildings,  including the first Stadium, were constructed during the Archaic period. In the Classical period, the colossal Temple of Zeus 470-456 BC and several other buildings were erected, and the Stadium was moved outside Altis. Despite the sanctuary being plundered several times in antiquity and especially under Roman rule, it continued to prosper during the Hellenistic period when buildings such as the Gymnasium and the Palaestra were constructed. In Roman times, many existing buildings were renovated, and new ones were built, including luxurious mansions, hot baths, and an aqueduct. However, many sanctuary treasures were stolen and used to decorate Roman villas. Even with the first years of Christian rule under Constantine the Great, the sanctuary continued to operate. However, in 393 AD, a command from Theodosius the 1st banned all pagan festivals, and the last Olympic Games took place. In 426 BC, Theodosius the 2nd ordered the demolition of the sanctuary, and in the middle of the 5th century AD, a small settlement developed over the ancient ruins of Olympia. Despite natural disasters and human intervention, Olympia remains a breathtaking and historically significant site worth visiting. So, if you have the opportunity, take advantage of exploring this incredible archaeological site!

Excavations in Ancient Olympia

In the following centuries, Alpheios and Kladeos overflowed, and landslips from Mount Kronios were buried deep in mud and sand all over the site. Olympia remained forgotten under a layer of soil close to seven meters deep. The area was given the name Antilalos, and it was in 1766 that the ancient sanctuary was rediscovered. In 1829, the French Scientific Expedition to the Peloponnese partially excavated the Temple of Zeus, taking several artifacts to the Museum of Louvre. Systematic excavation started by the German Archaeological Institute in 1875 and continues until today. Many of the site monuments are currently under restoration and preservation.

Ancient Olympia

In 776 BC, Iphitos, the king of Elis, Kleosthenes of Pisa, and Lykourgos, the famous lawmaker of Sparta, reorganized the Olympic Games and instituted the sacred ekecheiria or truce.

Bassae Epikourios Apollon

The Temple of Epikourios Apollon is an ancient marvel that stands tall in the rocky landscape of Bassae, 1131 m above sea level. With its rich history dating back to 420-400 BC, it is a testament to the remarkable architectural skills of the ancient Greeks. This temple has been through a lot, from being vandalized in 1812 to being restored by the Greek Archaeological Society in 1902-6. The Ministry of Culture has been working tirelessly to restore and conserve this magnificent temple since 1965. The Committee for the Conservation of the Temple has been doing a commendable job of ensuring the temple is protected against the region's extreme weather conditions. The shelter erected in 1987 is a testament to their dedication to preserving this ancient wonder. Our responsibility is to ensure that this temple remains intact so that future generations can witness the grandeur of ancient Greek architecture. So, if you're planning a trip to Greece, include the Temple of Apollo Epikourios in your itinerary. It will be an experience of a lifetime, and you will contribute to this ancient marvel's conservation and restoration efforts.

Bassae / Epikourios Apollon

The Temple of Epikourios Apollon is an ancient marvel that stands tall in the rocky landscape of Bassae, 1131 m above sea level.

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